Student Disability Commission

Fragrance Free Accessibility

The SDC is working on developing a list of fragrance free/scent free products. Have any product recommendations for fragrance free lotion, laundry detergent, deodorant or any other personal care or cleaning products? LET US KNOW!


How to be Scent Free

The Basics
A good, starting out guide for how to be scent.

How to be Scent Free
This is a great link about how and way to be scent free, with super expensive lists of scent-free products geared towards people of color. The lists are broken down by the kind of product you’re looking for (shampoo, laundry detergent, etc.).

Organizing Scent Free Events
More Tips Here
These are great resources for all you organizers out there! Here’s a detailed how-to of making your events scent free and more accessible.

How to Read Labels
It can be tricky to read labels and figure out if a product is actually scent free or not (advertisements can be deceiving!), so here’s a guide to effectively reading labels.

Being Scent Free At Home
Ways to make your home unscented and keep your friends and families safe from toxins!

Fragrance Free for Femmes of Color
A guide towards being scent free specifically geared towards femmes of color, but it’s also relevant for white and non-femme folks. Written by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha.

Psychological Impacts
The serious tolls that living in a scented and inaccessible world can have on people with chemical sensitivities.

Personal Care + Beauty Products

Ban Deodorant
Unscented deodorant available

Fierce Bodies
Natural cosmetics and beauty products that are all scent free