February 7, 2023
SDC Disability Allyship Workshop

Join the ASUW Student Disability Commission & UW D-Center for our annual Disability Allyship Workshop on Thursday, February 9th from 4:00 to 5:30pm!
This webinar is open to all students, staff or faculty who are interested in learning how to be a better ally to the disability community. Attendees will learn about various frameworks to conceptualize disability, inclusive disability language, and various strategies to avoid ableism (discrimination on the basis of disability). Whether you are well-versed in disability justice, or new to the concept of disability altogether, this workshop is for you!
Accessibility information: ASL & CART will be provided, and the webinar will be recorded and published to the ASUW SDC’s youtube channel for asynchronous access. If you have any additional access needs or concerns, please contact the SDC Director at asuwsdc1@uw.edu.